Saturday, December 19, 2015

When wrong opposes the wrong- can Aam adami do something

You put on the TV and feel as if Parliament is LOC and every political party  fights every other political party . They fight  in the name of  welfare of Aam adami . every body says that they will not allow the other to do the wrong. Why it is that after so much fight no light comes . what comes is only smoke which makes Aam adami feel  insecure and worried about the state of nation to which their leaders are bring it into.

Why this happens
 When Good  opposes the Good  , result is Better than good.  Like when two teachers oppose each other on the way of teaching. Where one feels that students should be given freedom to learn , and the other says that strict discipline is needed to teach the student. Here the result will always be better method of teaching based on both the views. Here result is better because both  have focus on the welfare of student and education.
 Like when communism opposed Capitalism thinking that this will bring better welfare to the common man. Result was a Humane Capitalism . Here the result was better because both focused on betterment of  human being.


When our leaders oppose each other ,only worst comes the result, as both are focused on their self interest. When Modi Govt raids the PA of Kejriwal , they have certainly other motive  than punishing the corrupt. And when Kejriwal cries foul on Jaitely , he is also doing so to shield the corrupt. Both are focused on the welfare of the self in the name of Aam adami .

Same is the case with congress and other parties when they do not allow the parliament to run or BJP tagetting the corruption of  Congress , both are self focused and result will always be not progress ,but degeneration of the nation and a poorer and worried helpless  Aam adami

 Can Aam adami do some thing

Aam adami is lured into the game of these self focused leaders and result is , division of aam adami in the form of  Kejriwal fans, Modi bhakats , Yogendar yadav sena , Congress bhakats and so on . First aam adami has to understand that till he belongs to none other than their Mother land  and his focus is Desh , Leaders will remain focused to their self interest , keep on doing wrong and defending their wrong by opposing the wrong of the other . And Aam adami will keep on enjoying , shouting and crying  while watching their abusive matches in the name of  debates or Badi  Behas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Did Amir Khan Misunderstood his Wife

When  Amir Khan's wife Said " Should we Move out of India "  She must have meant only to show his love for her Husband ,by showing that she has more than fully converted to the religion of her husband. As new converts always try to give an impression by their acts that they are more original than the original.

But this Intelligent actor misunderstood the intentions of her wife and foolishly threw an undesirable garbage to pollute the environment of the  the country. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Time For AAP ( Punjab)

AAP has opened up its can of unholy worms, to suffocate 
the good ,honest  and  brave in Punjab's AAP unit , on daily 

Today's Tribune says,
"Gandhi snubs Chotepur for utterances against him-
and he is determined to serve people of Punjab for four 
If this continues AAP will strategically drain the energy of Men Like ' Dr. Gandhi' and he  will not be even  able to serve his patients, what to talk of Patiala.

Time demands from Men like Gandhi, to be ready to serve the people of Punjab. Think beyond Patiala ,and be free from the clutches of  unholy AAP , and declare AAP ( Punjab) with the help of one more MP from Punjab , who is willing to serve the Punjab ,and seek the guidance  of Yadav and Bhushan.

Otherwise  , Dr. Gandhi will also be brought to the level where  he will not be able to recognize himself after four years. 


 He can become a saviour of AAM Adami in Punjab and lead AAP (punjab)

Monday, July 13, 2015

यहाँ पेड़ों के साये में धूप लगती है

Zulfiqar (running a slum children NGO in Chandigarh) made children watch porn. Has been arrested in sodomy case.

Circulated their videos, say police; condoms, pornographic stuff, sedatives seized from shelter home.

Awards won by Zulfiqar

  • 1994: Republic Day Award for Most Creative Person by the Chandigarh Administration
  • 2003: Balraj Sahni Award for Young Director
  • 2007: Tara Chand Saboo Excellence Award for Best Teacher (Theatre)
  • 2010: Award of honour by then Haryana Minister for Health and EducationGeeta Bhukkal for unique activities
  • Award of honour by the Chandigarh Police for excellence in drug de-addiction work
  • 2012: Bharat Muni Award by the Samwaad Theatre Group and the Punjabi Kala Kendra
  • 2012: Haryana State Achievers Award by the Rashtriya Rajiv Sena       
  • (  Chandigarh TribuneTribune 13-7-15)

We can say only 

यहाँ पेड़ों के साये में धूप लगती है 

                                                                             (Dushyant Kumar)

Friday, July 10, 2015

अँधेरे में आप

पंजाब में आप के नेताओं ने जो केजरीवाल की लीडरशिप पर दादागिरी के  इलज़ाम लगाये हैं -

कहाँ तो तय था चिरागां सारे शहर के लिए
यहां चिराग मयसर नहीं अपने घर के लिए 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Syane ne kaha tha

                                           सयाने ने कहा था  

पिछले दिनों जब दिल्ली के इलेक्शंस हो रहे थे तो मैंने अपने एक बहुत  सयाने दोस्त से अपनी चिंता जाहिर की , कहीं केजरीवाल जीत गया तो लोगों के साथ धोखा ना करे कहीं।  मेरे दोस्त ने कहा की केजरीवाल को एक्सपोज़  करने के लिए इसका पावर में आना बहुत जरूरी है। उसने कहा पावर  एक बारिश की तरह है , जिसमे धरती  के  गर्भ में जो भी छिपा है  वही उगता है जहाँ फूल के बीज हैं वहां फूल खिलते हैं और जहाँ जहर के बीज हैं वहां जहर उगता है और जहाँ घास के बीज हैं वहां घास उगता है। 

ऐसे ही जब आदमी के पास पावर आती है तो जो भी उसके मन में छिप्पा हुआ   है  सब पे फल लगने लगते हैं। ऐसे ही केजरीवाल के मन में जो बीज थे उनको फल लग रहे हैं। अगर  केजरीवाल  को पावर न मिलती तो हमें पता ही नहीं  चलता की केजरीवाल दोगला है।
सयाने ने सही कहा था 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Is Modi Maturing as PM

In a Marriage a wise DJ  plays songs according to the Situation.
When Barat is at door step ,He Plays " Aj Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai " At Jaimaala  " He Plays " Baharo Phool Barsao Mera Mehboob Aaya Hai" . At the time of Vidaii he Plays " Babul Ki Duaen Leti Jaa".
  If he  plays at all the situations "Aaj Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai"  How will you treat him? 
  Modi is singing the same song Like "Aj Mere yaar Ki shaadi hai "at all the situations.  He should  behave as a Mature Person , like a father figure of the nation , in  India and abroad .
He should keep the tone of " Man Ki Baat'. Elections are Over and he is PM of India.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

क्या हम बेशर्मी की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं

एक समाज तीन तलों पर जी सकता है।  इनमे से एक तल  पर तो समाज रोज तरक्की करता है और खुशहाली बढ़ती है।  दूसरे तल  पर जिंदगी कटती है ,चीजें बढ़ती हैं  ,पर धीरे धीरे आपस का भाईचारा खत्म होता है।.तीसरे तल  पर जिंदगी बहुत डरी डरी  होती है। 
   पहला तल  आत्म  ग्लानि का होता  है जहाँ पर जब कोई गलती करता है उसे अंदर से महसूस होता है और वह सुधरता है।
   दूसरे तल पर  हम मानते हैं की जब तक दूसरे को नहीं पता चलता ठीक है।  यहां गलती बुरी  नहीं है दूसरे  को पता चलना बुरा माना  जाता है।  यह एक शर्मसार समाज की निशानी है।  जहाँ पाखंड  बढ़ता है।  हम अभी इस तल  पर जी रहे हैं। 
   लेकिन कल पंजाब के दो मंत्रियों ने जिस ढंग से मोगा की वीरांगना की शहादत का मजाक उड़ाया  है उससे  लगता है की हम अब एक बेशर्म समाज की और बढ़ रहे है और दिन ब नीचे की और गिरेंगे। 
क्या गुरुओं की धरती पर जिंदगी  को बेशर्मी  के तल तक  गिरने देना चाहिए , आओ मिल कर सोचें। 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Punjab's daughter -In the Land Of Gurus and Kings Buses



In the Land of Gurus ,in the Bus of King's Travels, in the day light, daughter of Punjab was Molested , kicked , killed in the presence of   helpless mother and younger brother . and the helpless response of the the King of the state " Law will take its own course " meaning he knows how to divert  the course of the law .

Response Of Mr. Badal

Is this, what was expected from Mr. Badal . People  punjab wanted to listen a lion's response which can ensure that all daughters of Punjab will be safe and mothers do not have to worry and he is as pained as his own daughter has been molested and killed. 

What has happened to Punjab , who is responsible for it.

Earlier Mr. Badal 

I remember in early eighties  my guide ( of Phd)  had attended a wedding where CM  Mr. Parkash Singh Badal. was also present. My Guide was working on the project of generating power from Microhydel  power station  .  Project was being opposed on the ground that power generated will be costlier than conventional plants. My guide was so excited when Mr. Badal met  him at the wedding and gave him green signal  to go ahead with the project, and he will buy the power at any rate , but the project of non conventional sources must be explored. 

People's Prayers  to Curses - Decline and Fall of Badals 

We were so happy that if the state has such chief ministers , Punjab will become a world class state. Within few days of this incident ,His  Govt fell and we felt sad for Punjab.
People  prayed for his success , After that he became CM  many times  but  State is going down the drain daily, youth's youthfulness  is being drained with drugs.Punjab's daughters and mothers are not safe even in  the Buses of CM travels.
 Man who was being blessed for a long life is now being cursed  every where, be it theater or be it Whatsapp, Facebook or Street talk. Even  when a company in Punjab raised the prices of the daily bread by 4 rupees , people used to talk that 2 rupees from their  each bread  are going to Badals .Even then no denial came from the Him . Is this for what people seek power to earn money at the cost of curses?

 Times to Come

This should  not  be taken as an isolated incident. This should be taken as a warning signal by the people  for the worst times to come, if they do not take this fight to logical conclusion, independent of the hope of support and fight of other political parties. 

People's Power 

What do you think,  that if incident would have happened in Kejriwal travels or Congress travels? How their party workers would have responded ?  So people have to  think that for each party ,interest of their party is important , because it is connected with their personal interest. 

So only AAM Adami   (Do not  confuse with AAP) can think above party interest. AAM adami should realise to realise it own power to save themselves by saving the state by sacrificing small small interest for a safe and bright future ,otherwise worst days are ahead.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Atma Ki Mandi

                          आत्मा की मण्डी 

एक  बार एक देश में आत्माओं का अकाल पड़ गया।  देश में त्राहि त्राहि मच  गयी।  नए बच्चों का जनम होना बंद हो गया। एक  रात वहां आकाशवाणी हुई  की अगर लोग बच्चे चाहते हैं तो आत्माओं को खरीद कर लायें। उसी रात लोग आत्माओं की खोज में निकल गए लेकिन कहीं कोई आत्मा बेचने वाले  नहीं मिलते थे।  लोगों की उम्मीद टूटने लगी की तभी किसी ने बताया   की   हस्तिनापुर में जंतर मंतर पर आत्माएं बिक रहीं हैं।
सुब लोगों ने उस तरफ मुंह  किया और दोपहर तक वहां पहुंचे और देखे की वहां आत्माएं बिक रही हैं।  सभी ने अपनी मन पसंद की आत्माए खरीदी , जो अपने बच्चेको पत्रकार बनाना चाहता था उसने पत्रकार की खरीदी और ऐसे ही तभी  भीड़ में से आवाज़ आई की मैं  तो अपने बेटे को कवि बनायुंगा  , मुझे तो   कवि की आत्मा चाहिए।  तभी स्टेज से आवाज़ आई की यह कवि तो देश के सबसे महंगे हैं और कवि के मुंह से निकला ' लटक गया ' और कवि ने अपनी कविता शुरू कर दी।  तभी  भीड़ में से आवाज़ आई की कवि महंगे होंगे लेकिंग आत्मा तो उनकी बहुत सस्ती निकली। और वह सस्ते में कवि की आत्मा लेकर खुश हुआ  .
 लेकिन एक आदमी  अपने बच्चे  को जो  मुख्या मंत्री बनाना  चाहता  था उसने कहा मुझे तो सुप्रीमो की आत्मा चाहिए।  लेकिन हैरानी की  बात तब हुई जब डॉकटरों ने कहा की सुप्रीमो के शरीर में आत्मा नहीं है। सब तरफ उसकी आत्मा की तलाश होनी लगी , लेकिन आत्मा नहीं मिली।
तभी भीड़ ने कहा इसकी इन्क्वारी  होनी चाहिए।  पुलिस ने रपट लिखी। लोग तरह तरह की बातें करने लगे।  किसी ने कहा इसमें किसी देश भकत की आत्मा उत्तर आई थी जो अब इस के काम देख कर भाग गयी। कोई कह रहा  था वह कुर्सी से चिपट गयी है।
 सब अपनी बातें कर रहे थे और उधर सुप्रीमो टीवी पर कह रहा था उसकी आत्मा की चोरी में कोई षड़यंत्र है या कुर्सी में फेविकोल ज्यादा लगा होगा इसलिये कुर्सी से उतर नहीं रही , यह फेविकोल का दोष है , मेरा कोई दोष नहीं। उधर  वह बेचारा  जो  अपने बच्चे को सुप्रीमो  बनाना  चाहता  था मुंह लटकाये खली हाथ  वापिस लौट  रहा था।     

Friday, April 24, 2015


                                               आशुतोष के आंसू और केजरीवाल की माफ़ी

जो आशुतोष अब तक यही  कहते थे की मुझे आप के सवालों पे हंसी आती है  और यादव और भूषण ने अपने आप को हंसी पात्र बना लिया है ,और यह कहने के बाद आशुतोष एक बेशर्म हंसी हँसते थे।  आज जब उनको उनकी खत्म होती हुई इन्सानियत के बारे में पूछे गया तो उनके आंसू फुट पड़े।  बहुत लोग कहते हैं यह उनके घड़ियाली आंसू थे।  मुझे लगता है की यह आंसू उनकी आत्मा के थे जो उनको कह रही थी की आशुतोष बहुत ही सस्ते में बेच दिया तुमने मुझको।

आज केजरीवाल जो बहुत दिनों से किसी भी सवाल  से मुंह छुपा रहे थे , और गजेंदर सिंह की मौत का तमाशा बेशर्मी से देख रहे थे, आज जब उनको लगा की माफ़ी मांगना उनके फायदे में है तो उसने माफ़ी मांगी। माफ़ी सिर्फ उससमय मांगी जा सकती है जब आप ने अपराध किया हो , बाद में मांगी गयी माफी तो एक हथियार की तरह है जो एक चालक पापी किसी भी सजा से बचने के लिए मांगता है।

इनके आंसुओं और माफी से आम आदमी धोख़ा  नहीं खायेगा। 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ek Kahani AAP ki Jubani

                                                                धार्मिक भेड़िआ

आज जिस तरह से यादव और भूषण को निकाला  गया , उससे मुझे एक कहानी याद आ रही है   जो मैंने स्कूल में पढ़ी थी।

जंगल में एक नदी थी।  और एक दोपहर  एक मेमना जिसे  बहुत प्यास लगी थी  , पानी पीने आया।  दूर से एक भेड़िये की उस पर नजर पड़ी और वह  भी भागा भागा  वहां आया।  भेड़िये का उस मेमने  को खाने का मन था , उसके मुँह में लार टपकने लगी  . उसने उसे खाने का मन बना लिया।  लेकिन एक बात से डर  रहा था की लोग उसे जालिम न समझेँ। उस ने सोचा पहले इस की कोई गलती निकालूँ  तो इस को सजाये  मौत दूंगा और फिर इसे  खाऊंगा। मेमना उस भेड़िये के इर्रादों से नावाकिफ था। वह पानी की  ओर बढा। तभी भेड़िये ने कहा तुम ने मुझे गाली निकाली  है। मेमने  ने कहा , " मैं तो ऐसा सोच भी नहीं सकता।  भेड़िये ने कहा , फिर तेरे बाप ने निकाली  होगी।  मेमना बोला , साहिब  उनको तो मरे भी एक साल हो गया।  भेड़िया बोला , " फिर तेरी माँ ने निकाली  होगी।  मेमना बोला ," साहिब वह भी मर चुकी है।  अब भेड़िये से उसे खाए बिना रहा नहीं जा रहा था।  वह उसे खाने का मन बना चुका  था।  उसने कहा , साले झूठ बोलता है , तेरा तो खानदान ही झूठा है और मैं झूठ को खत्म  कर के रहूँगा।
और फिर भेड़िये ने कहा , तूने नहीं तो तेरे बाप ने , आज नहीं तो पिछले साल निकाली  होगी।  उसकी सजा तुम्हे  मिलेगी और इतना कह कर वह मेमने के  ऊपर टूट पड़ा और उसको खाने लगा।

तभी उसने देखा की और जानवर  जो उसकी जूठन पे पलते  थे ,उस ओर  आ रहे थे. उसने आधा मेमना उन  के लिए छोड़ दिया।  वह सब बाँट के खाने लगे और तभी उनोह्नो देखा जंगल से कुछ और जानवर भी आ रहे हैं.
तभी जूठन खाने वालोँ  ने नारा लगाया कि  झूठ  का अन्त हो गया और सच की जीत हो गयी।  लेकिन कुछ जानवरों को शक़  हो गया की कहीं किसी निर्दोष को तो नहीं मार  दिया।  लेकिन भेड़िये के साथियों ने तभी उनको याद कराया की यह भेड़िया बड़ा धार्मिक है और उन्हें याद कराया की पिछले दिनों इसकी फोटो भी छपी थी जिसमें भेड़िये को पूजा पाठ  और योग करते हुए दिखाया था।  आप चिन्ता  न करे ,अब झूठ नहीं बचेगा और आप को भी खाने को ज्यादा  मिलेगा आप अपने अपने  घर जाएँ,  आप का राशन घर पहुँच जायेगा। यह सुन कर बहुत लोग अपने घर वापिस चले गए।
लेकिन कुछ को शक हुआ की यह इनकी एक चॉल  थी ,और धीरे धीरे  और निर्दोषों को भी मार सकते हैं. और वह दुसरे जंगलों की और निकल गए की दूसरे जंगलों के जानवरों  को आगाह  कर दें कि  वह धार्मिक  भेड़िये से बचें। धार्मिक भेड़िया भी  बेफिक्र अपने अगले शिकार के लिए निकल चुका  था। 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

If you feel cheated by Kejriwal

Was  Kejriwal a person or a dream?
Kejriwal become a symbol of hope and dream  for an honest politics in this country, where people in politics were alleged to have double standards. But Kejriwal raised those standards to triple from double. Earlier politicians used to have difference in their words and deeds only but Kejriwal progressed further having difference in his thought, word and deed. Earlier at times people in power showed some shame and used to admit their mistakes. He has raised the level to a new shamelessness by singing songs of Bhaichara and kicking on the back and front of  founders of this movement.

Has power corrupted him?
No, no power has the authority to corrupt anyone; power is like rain, which will help the seeds lying in the earth to grow. Power has only made tree of seeds lying in his being.

Does he want Yes men around him – Answer is Big No, he does not want Yes MEN, he want Yes Hollow puppets, who will thrive on Kejriwals alms. He will not allow any man of credibility, courage, dedicated to the larger good, near him. He will wish to kick them on their front and  Back both.

Why people could not see earlier

People near him refused to see because of their own greed or were not intelligent enough to see through his slogans. Yadav and Bhushan owe an Explanation, why they were not concerned at the resignations of, Ms. Bhaduri, Shajia Ilmi and Binny. Why they did not object to the great fraud committed by kejriwal in conducting fake interviews before Lok sabha Elections.

Failure of our main stream writers and thought  in Media, who used to diagnose the immediate, shower praise if he succeeded and abused if he faltered. They could not see through the games of Kejriwal. Most of their writings were diagnostic and not prognostic.

Though I saw through some his games before the Lok Sabha Elections, But still I hoped that I am wrong as I did not allow myself, to let my dream of a honest alternative politics die.

 I started my blog Kejriwal watch, which when I look back, I see that I had been able to see quite early the fault lines in Kejriwal’s Behavior. If you are seriously interested in understanding the initiation, growth and development of the fault lines in his behavior, do read these articles from the beginning.
My first article in March 2014, followed by 40 more on AAP.
Why Kejriwal Watch

 Where Are We     - We are experiencing one of the most exciting time full of hope for a great Indian future.  And the symbol of hope is    Arvind Kejriwal and his AAP. People are in love with him.ButIf this experiment of AAP fails future will be very painful.Who can make this experiment  fail.

1) AAM Adami2) People who have vested interests in the existing system.3)Kejriwal and team AAP.Let us think over them one by one.............

You can Judge yourself who is responsible for shattering the dream of Crores of AAM Adamis and failing the experiment of AAP.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

AAP ka ho AAP se bhi bhaichara

Brotherhood Song

   Nation moved, when Kejriwal sang “Insaan ka insaan se ho Bhaichara- Yahi Paigaam Hamaara “at his oath taking ceremony as CM in Delhi. Aam adami thought that, nation is moving in a new direction and leaders like kejriwal will lead the nation into a new mode, where love and compassion will be the key words for all and more for the powerful, who should look with more compassion towards the less powerful

Human all too human

But it is really too human to sing the song for the welfare of humanity, than to remain loving towards one’s  neighbors.  Team Kejriwal has proved that they are too human beings, who can love the humanity, but find it slightly tough to love their colleagues.

Aam adami’s Hope

Aam adami hopes that team aap will play colorful holi on their national meeting, by the end of this month, and not sling mud at each other.  . Kejriwal affirmed his resolve for world brotherhood, when he sang the sang again at Bengluru.

Not good omens
 But  if recent utterances by Kejriwal-“ I am not Napoleon who will go for winning the Nation, an Interview by  Kumar Vishwas , “ No Indiscipline will be tolerated in the party” and offering salt packets to Yogendra Yadav in Haryana by Kejriwal Supporters “ are any indications then  mud is being prepared or the National meet and not Colors and ground is being laid not for any bhaichara among AAP.

Raj Mohan Gandhi’s advise

 Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi   -Raj Mohan Gandhi has advised in his write up in The Tribune today,
The bhaichara of which Arvind boldly sang at the oath-taking ceremony in Delhi, and which India is always in need of, has to be shown also by AAP people to one another. The party cannot expect the partnership it wants among all Indians in their mohallas and villages to grow if it neglects that partnership within the inner core of AAP’s leadership.

Prayer of Aam adami

Let us pray that Team AAP  listens to sane  voices of Men like Raj mohan Gandhi, play Colorful holi, emerge more united to keep the hopes of Aam Adami Alive at their coming national meet, by showing Bhaichara in AAP.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Do Good Men Have Ego?

Our Knowledge of Ego
We have been brought up with the knowledge that ‘Ego’ is bad and only bad men have it. But is this what we see actually? Let us look around, see, watch and think about this very important yet invisible asset that human beings have.
Few days back, while travelling in the Shatabdi train, my fellow passengers were talking about the problems being created by the ego of various professors and functionaries in their university.   I thought they were going to attend some workshop or seminar on Ego, but when asked it turned out that they were going to attend a seminar on computers. I asked them that if Ego creates so many problems in the growth of an institution why do we not discuss and conduct workshops and seminars on EGO.

Let Us-
Long ago I visited a kid’s play store. There were two twin children around the age of 3 - 4 years, one of them was sitting in a pram and the other was asking her to get up so that she could sit. But the child sitting in the pram was asking the other child to not even touch the pram! I asked the child who was asking for the pram to sit in the other pram which was lying next to her, but she refused to sit in that pram as she wanted to sit in the pram in which her sibling was sitting. I will be doing injustice to team Kejriwal, if I say that the duo was Kejriwal and co as children.

 We can see it happening around us daily. But we feel shocked when good men like Kejriwal and co. display Ego, because we are always told that good men do not have ego. While the fact is that ego is nature’s most important attribute given to human being for some purpose.

 Nature’s Purpose
Ego is like a fence to the newly planted seed, to protect it from the other, so that it can grow in strength to take care of itself. But we forget as we grow that tree does not need the fence. But we still go on keeping the fence; rather we make it stronger – as we see our most powerful people carrying a lot of security with them.

Ego, Nature and Society
Ego is given by nature for the survival of the helpless, other dependent child. It is to be dropped when one becomes independent and does not feel threatened by the other. But then why do even good men like Kejriwal hold on to ego? Perhaps, they also feel as threatened as others not so good men in politics.

Sould we not say that “ Those who keep their Ego even after growing up are not Good  men “

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Is Kejriwal making AAP a Bonsai

Bashir badr said once… 
Sar Jhukaoge to pathar Devta Ho Jayega
Itna Na Chaho use Wo Bewafa Ho Jayega

Excessive love of AAM adami for Kejriwal , made  Kejariwal feel not love of AAM adami but his helplessness , giving him a feeling that aam adami is in his pocket now , and he dared to punish the aam  adami by cutting the roots of AAP , thus making AAP a Bonsai . (Bonsai is a dwarf tree made by regularly cutting the roots of the tree –so that it can be planted in a container)

On 23-9-14, seeing the working of Team AAP - I posted a blog with the heading    AAP’s journey from Seed to Stone

 Some Excerpts …
AAP’s journey from Seed to Stone

Let us understand the difference between Seed and stone

Seed – is a potential life  ,if nurtured properly can turn out to be giant tree and can create further seeds that can create millions of trees and people can take shelter under them.

Stone- has no life in it, it does not listen to anyone except self, cannot relate with neither earth, nor sea.

A seed if not cared properly can become a stone and will stop further growth.

How AAP has become from seed to stone-

AAP started as a movement, a hope for a new way of life where we will be moving from dalas to sewaks, from dynasty to swaraj. It was hoped that aap will become rallying point for all the good human beings of this nation. It started as such, but slowly slowly instead of welcoming good human beings, it stared creating situations where existing good human beings started feeling suffocated and thought it better to leave……..