Thursday, May 29, 2014

Learning for AAP leadership from Bose and Gandhi

Anna movement started as a second war of independence , Kejriwal formed AAP to convert it to a political revolution. But the way leading men and women associated with the movement are leaving the AAP , saying that Kejriwal is failing to respond to their communication . This is surprising as the means of communication have become million times faster than the times of Gandhi and Bose.
Given below are the  letters written by Bose to Gandhi on 31-3-1939 and the response given by Gandhi on 2-4-1939. Just see their promptness to respond, level of dialogue , their dedication to the cause, their respect for each other.  Hope  AAP leadership match this..

Bold and italics in the letters are mine ( letters are taken from “ Selected letters of Mahatma Gandhi”

          Lettter From Subhash Chander Bose to Mahtma Gandhi
March 31, 1939
My dear Mahatmaji,

Asking For Mahtma Gandhi’s Views
. . . I shall be grateful if you could let me know your reaction to Pant's resolution. You are in this advantageous position that you can take a dispassionate view of things - provided of course, you get to know the whole….. You can easily assess things at their proper value, regardless of the persons who visit you.
Bound  By the Organisation Constitution
You can easily imagine my own view of Pant's solution. But my personal feelings do not matter so much. In public life we have often to subordinate personal feelings to public considerations. As I have said in a previous letter, whatever one may think of Pant's resolution from the purely constitutional point of view, since it has been passed by the Congress, I feel bound by it. Now do you regard that resolution as one of no-confidence in me and do you feel that I should resign in consequence thereof? Your view in this matter will influence me considerably…
Giving Own Opinion On Puran Swaraj
. The international situation as well as our own position at home convinced me nearly 8 months ago that the time had come for us to force the issue of Purna Swaraj. . . .
…I am so confident and so optimistic on his point that I feel if we take courage in both hands and go ahead we shall have Swaraj inside of 18 months at the most.
I feel so strongly on this point that I am prepared to make any sacrifice in the connection. If you take up the struggle, I shall most gladly help you to the best of my ability. If you feel that the Congress will be able to fight better with another president I shall gladly step aside…. If self-effacement will further the national cause, I assure you most solemnly that I am prepared to efface myself completely. I think I love my country sufficiently to be able to do this.
Respect For Gandhi
My letter has become to long, so I must stop here. If I have said anything which appears to you to be erroneous, I hope you will pardon me. I know you always like people to speak frankly and openly. That is what has emboldened me in writing this frank and long letter.
With respectful Pranams,
Yours affectionately,

     Reply By Mahatma Gandhi   to Subhash Chander Bose                                     
New Delhi,
My dear Subhash,
I have yours of 31st march as also the previous one. You are quite frank and I like your letters for the clear enunciation of your views.
Honesty of views
The view you express seem to be so diametrically opposed to those of the others and my own that I do not see any possibility of bridging them…What is wrong is not the differences between us but loss of mutual respect and trust.
Taking all things into consideration, I am of opinion that you should at once form your own Cabinet fully representing your views. Formulate your programme definitely and put it before the forthcoming A. I. C. C. If the Committee accepts the programme all will be plain-sailing and you should be enabled to prosecute it unhampered by the minority. If on the other hand your programme is not accepted you should resign and let the committee choose it president. And you will be free to educate the country along your lines. I tender this advice irrespective of Pandit pant's resolution.
Movement ,not prestige
My prestige does not count. It has an independent value of its own. ..Individuals, however high they may be, are of no account except in so far as they represent the many millions…...
Difference of opinion
We seem to differ ad to the amount of corruptions in the Congress. My impression is that it is in the increase. I have been pleading for the past many months for a thorough scrutiny….
But as I have told you that I am an old man perhaps growing timid and over-cautious and you have youth before you and reckless optimism born of youth. I hope you are right. I am wrong. I have the firm belief that the Congress as it is today cannot deliver goods, cannot offer civil disobedience worth the name. Therefore if your prognosis is right, …Though we have discussed sharp differences of opinion between us, I am quite sure that our private relations will not suffer in the least. If they are from the heart, I believe they are, they will bear the strain of these differences.


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