Friday, May 9, 2014

Does exposure of the loot by politicians, by media, bring results

Few days back the newspaper Tribune Exposed the vast financial empire of Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Badal and his family. In response to this exposure certain readers wrote to the tribune that these exposures will have no impact. I wrote a letter to the editor exposing the fallacy in this attitude. I am sharing this letter with you.

Dear Editor
The Tribune Chandigarh

Sub- letter in response to an attitude (Will probe have effect... there won’t be any outcome and the matter will soon be brushed under the carpet) shown by a letter writer, in response to your daring expose of Punjab CM family.

This attitude shows a feeling that this expose will not have any effect. There is a fallacy in this thought as effect and cause are always separated by time and space. But we in our eagerness to see immediate affect loose the patience to see the impact when it occurs. 1947 happened 90 years after first freedom struggle in 1857. AAP is the culmination of Anna movement, which happened two years ago. Anna movement was the impact of so many investigations of various journalists in print and TV media, CAG reports published years ago, lives lost by various RTI activists and issues raised by various daring patriots throughout the country since many years. So this probe will also have impact.

Second fallacy of this attitude is that we expect the media to be playing more than its role. Media is like a thermostat in an AC which shows the difference between desired and actual temperature. Media shows us the gap between desired and actual, social, moral and constitutional requirements. That is where its role stops.
Further action, to be taken by the motor, to improve the temp is Judiciary and common Man.

  Media cannot do the job of Judiciary. Common man can punish at the time of voting. Common man should knock at the door of judiciary and remind my Lords of their responsibility. (Like I have written 100 letters to High court and supreme court Judges.)

Prof. K K Garg                           2-5-14
 PEC Campus

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