Saturday, May 31, 2014

AAP’s Dilemma: Movement or Party

Recent spate of resignations by Shazia from party, Yogendra Yadav and Navin Jaihind from party posts, their allegations and counter allegations on each other and at others beyond party, flip flops on formation of Delhi govt and indecision on surety bond for Kejriwal, are results of dilemma they are facing:  trying to run a party like a movement.

A movement is towards a goal which wants others to change. It has volunteers, who dedicate their body, mind, soul and money for a cause. They love, hail and follow their leader. This recharges the enthusiasm of the leader and enthused leader advances further, thus reassuring the followers that they are on a right path, which further encourages and draws more volunteers to it.

 A River or pond
A movement is like a river flow keeping its water always fresh and rushing to meet the sea. There will always be nameless volunteers who will keep on going out and new ones coming in .While party is like a pond   where fragrance and velocity of fresh water is lost, but needs to be controlled, regularly cleaned and managed.

Conversion of a movement to a party is like building a home at the end of a road, and then starts the real game. Smart, selfish and Sycophants, run and enter the house through not only doors, but also through windows, and crossing the back walls. Leader takes the people at home as his own, and good people feel isolated and start leaving, like shazia left.

Best of both the worlds
 Now this home has been given the nameplate of AAM Adami Party, while leaders want the fruits of movement and avoid the responsibilities of a party. They still want their volunteers to remain volunteers and are afraid to convert them into workers. Volunteers work as if they are making a temple, and workers work like duty. Leaders owe nothing to volunteers but are answerable to workers. Volunteers never share power, while workers want a share in power. Leaders want to remain at Dias and want the volunteers/workers to keep on waiting for them, and wave and hail when the leader comes. Listen to the discourse of the leader, no debate, no dialogue. Keep blaming the others like media, for their own mistakes.

Is kejriwal ready?
Party takes away the hallo around the movement  leader and makes him stand in the line of other party leaders, till he works, wins and delivers. Party is a high responsibility with lot of work at ground level to manage the desires, aspiration and jealousies of workers. This needs more than slogans. Is Kejriwal ready?

 Any delay in party formation will be suicidal not only for AAP but for the hopes of Aam adami, which they have put on team Kejriwal or they should revert back to movement.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Learning for AAP leadership from Bose and Gandhi

Anna movement started as a second war of independence , Kejriwal formed AAP to convert it to a political revolution. But the way leading men and women associated with the movement are leaving the AAP , saying that Kejriwal is failing to respond to their communication . This is surprising as the means of communication have become million times faster than the times of Gandhi and Bose.
Given below are the  letters written by Bose to Gandhi on 31-3-1939 and the response given by Gandhi on 2-4-1939. Just see their promptness to respond, level of dialogue , their dedication to the cause, their respect for each other.  Hope  AAP leadership match this..

Bold and italics in the letters are mine ( letters are taken from “ Selected letters of Mahatma Gandhi”

          Lettter From Subhash Chander Bose to Mahtma Gandhi
March 31, 1939
My dear Mahatmaji,

Asking For Mahtma Gandhi’s Views
. . . I shall be grateful if you could let me know your reaction to Pant's resolution. You are in this advantageous position that you can take a dispassionate view of things - provided of course, you get to know the whole….. You can easily assess things at their proper value, regardless of the persons who visit you.
Bound  By the Organisation Constitution
You can easily imagine my own view of Pant's solution. But my personal feelings do not matter so much. In public life we have often to subordinate personal feelings to public considerations. As I have said in a previous letter, whatever one may think of Pant's resolution from the purely constitutional point of view, since it has been passed by the Congress, I feel bound by it. Now do you regard that resolution as one of no-confidence in me and do you feel that I should resign in consequence thereof? Your view in this matter will influence me considerably…
Giving Own Opinion On Puran Swaraj
. The international situation as well as our own position at home convinced me nearly 8 months ago that the time had come for us to force the issue of Purna Swaraj. . . .
…I am so confident and so optimistic on his point that I feel if we take courage in both hands and go ahead we shall have Swaraj inside of 18 months at the most.
I feel so strongly on this point that I am prepared to make any sacrifice in the connection. If you take up the struggle, I shall most gladly help you to the best of my ability. If you feel that the Congress will be able to fight better with another president I shall gladly step aside…. If self-effacement will further the national cause, I assure you most solemnly that I am prepared to efface myself completely. I think I love my country sufficiently to be able to do this.
Respect For Gandhi
My letter has become to long, so I must stop here. If I have said anything which appears to you to be erroneous, I hope you will pardon me. I know you always like people to speak frankly and openly. That is what has emboldened me in writing this frank and long letter.
With respectful Pranams,
Yours affectionately,

     Reply By Mahatma Gandhi   to Subhash Chander Bose                                     
New Delhi,
My dear Subhash,
I have yours of 31st march as also the previous one. You are quite frank and I like your letters for the clear enunciation of your views.
Honesty of views
The view you express seem to be so diametrically opposed to those of the others and my own that I do not see any possibility of bridging them…What is wrong is not the differences between us but loss of mutual respect and trust.
Taking all things into consideration, I am of opinion that you should at once form your own Cabinet fully representing your views. Formulate your programme definitely and put it before the forthcoming A. I. C. C. If the Committee accepts the programme all will be plain-sailing and you should be enabled to prosecute it unhampered by the minority. If on the other hand your programme is not accepted you should resign and let the committee choose it president. And you will be free to educate the country along your lines. I tender this advice irrespective of Pandit pant's resolution.
Movement ,not prestige
My prestige does not count. It has an independent value of its own. ..Individuals, however high they may be, are of no account except in so far as they represent the many millions…...
Difference of opinion
We seem to differ ad to the amount of corruptions in the Congress. My impression is that it is in the increase. I have been pleading for the past many months for a thorough scrutiny….
But as I have told you that I am an old man perhaps growing timid and over-cautious and you have youth before you and reckless optimism born of youth. I hope you are right. I am wrong. I have the firm belief that the Congress as it is today cannot deliver goods, cannot offer civil disobedience worth the name. Therefore if your prognosis is right, …Though we have discussed sharp differences of opinion between us, I am quite sure that our private relations will not suffer in the least. If they are from the heart, I believe they are, they will bear the strain of these differences.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Is Shazia Ilmi’s Resignation ‘Darkness at Noon’?

Shazia Ilmi's Resignation is as important as sending Kejriwal to jail, but perhaps in a different context.
Sending Kejriwal to jail tells us something is wrong with our ‘Justice System’.
  BUT Shazia Ilmis resignation tells us that something is seriously wrong within the so called Aam Adami Party. (As it is still not a party only a name Aam adami party. You may see my earlier post” Hope and Hurdles for AAP” and “Why Kejriwal watch”)
For the love of ‘sacrificing’
Kejriwal is definitely not the only one doing all the sacrificing. If Kejriwal gave sacrifices to save the nation then Shazia has indeed sacrificed to save AAP and Kejriwal.
To me, Shazia ilmi always looked like Sister Nivedita who came from Ireland along with swami Vivekanand to work for the upliftment of Indian women. She had to leave the organization after the death of swami Vivekananda. But she kept on working on her own for the upliftment of women. Sadly, Shazia has to leave in the presence of Kejriwal.
Bura mat suno.. For the lack of openness to accept feedback
From the response of senior leaders of AAP,   it seems that aap leadership is still not ready to look at their mistakes, and Kejriwal is also using his jail term to hide his blunders.
Any AAP worker or leader who takes Shazia’s resignation lightly will be refusing to look at the human dynamics of power which has engulfed the mediators like Kejriwal also.
Away from corruption but towards cronyism?
How can a party run ‘undemocratically’ at the top aim to govern the largest democracy in the world?
Can the ‘good’ ever govern?
Mahatma Gandhi was blamed that he did not try to change the inner dynamics of people in congress by training them in meditation. So after the death of Gandhi, power hunger of Congress workers came to the fore, which they were hiding till then, in the name of Desh Bhakti ,and rest is before our eyes. This raises a big question that even if ‘The Medidators’ like Kejriwal bow before the dynamics of Power, can good people ever come to power?
Whose fault is it anyway?
Kejriwal has been blamed for being ‘not reachable’ as he is ghearoed by a few men. Kejriwal’s failure to let the power hungry sycophants surround him and isolate him from aam adami is his own failure. Nobody can keep Kejriwal away from aam adami till kejriwal himself wants it. So if aap leadership is not listening, only kejriwal is to be blamed for this.

Still no one listening? ...Old habits die hard indeed or even smell of power makes one deaf.
And If AAP leadership keeps on behaving the they way they are soon we may have to say
“ Iss AAP mein Kuch Tute hue Diye Bacha Hain Inhi se Kam Chalao Ki bahut Udas Hai Raat”
And it may turn out to be road to darkness at noon for aam adami
No single letter of mine has been acknowledged even once by team AAP. One such letter written by me on 5th march 2014 is given below.
Letter to Kejriwal
Dear Arvind,

Thanks for selecting big Names to Fight on behalf of Aam adami.

I would like to share small feedback:

1)  It would be a great and much appreciated gesture if an SMS from your side is sent to all those who applied for the AAP ticket, thanking them for showing faith in AAP and asking them to” now support the chosen candidate”

2)  As now AAP is giving more importance to Image than Person, some of the chosen candidates may be good images but bad human beings. In case they win they need to be trained to behave as aam adami and learn to relate with Aam adami, otherwise much damage will be done to the struggle of Kejriwal. ( Example: Image of Asa ram Bapu, Tarun tejpal , Subroto Roy and the characters they were in actual life). There is every  chance some of the candidates prove to be like these .

3)  Instead of saying that strong candidates will be fielded it is much better to say that honest candidates will prove to be stronger to fight against and stand upto the corrupt.

4)  As most of the candidates have been found by the search committees, they may feel that they have obliged the AAP, and can behave in an arrogant manner with the party workers.

5) Do take the local units in confidence before announcing the candidates name from their area to save them from big embarrassment thus demotivating them

6) Nothing is more precious than your Life today; if anything happens, aam adami will be left crying for future. Once Osho was asked why he had security he replied “to save some Nathu Ram Godse from being hanged and not for my safety” so think of the Godses and Aam Adami’s hopes.

7) The Manmohan Singhs have hurt the nation financially, but Kejariwal will not hurt the aam adami financially but Emotionaly, if at any time aam adami comes to know of any games being played at any time by Kejariwal or his chosen men. Emotional hurts can not be healed easily. People are in love with you.

Praying for your long life and every mother’s blessings to Son of India- Arvind

                                                        5th march 2014
Lovingly Aam  adami
Prof. K K Garg              ( appeared for Interview for Chandigarh Lok Sabha Seat)

PEC university of Technology Chandigarh 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hope and hurdles for AAP

  When Destiny of India was  being written by various congress led regimes with the water of gutter, Kejriwal had started making ink with filtered water to rewrite the destiny of India. He created a hope for the common man and enthused the nation with a new energy for a positive change. When he was expecting that he will be able to rewrite the destiny of India, Modi came with his ink made from Gangajal to write the destiny of India. Though pages to write were almost made available by the movement of  Kejriwal , destiny willed it otherwise, and gave the opportunity of writing to Modi.

Who is Responsible
   If Kejriwal lost this opportunity, partly  it his own making. Kejriwal also belongs to that quality of great men ,that India used to produce during freedom struggle. But great men make great mistakes, and he is no exception. Sudden   Delhi success made him in great hurry to serve the nation overnight. In the process, he started projecting the future as per his own wishes. Like both Congress and BJP will be decimated soon and he will be the automatic choice for the new type of politics In India. To think that an organization, standing on the foundations of a nationwide patriotic organization like RSS will crumble so soon, was only an error in his judgement.

Human all too human
  He created hope and trust, but made people lose their trust by his all too human actions, like given below.

No to Feedback
   Like any man who with sudden success starts taking every feedback as criticism thus closing all doors of learning and giving way to sycophants. . All good intentioned including  people like Mr. Gopinath and Mallika sarabhai ,were almost ridiculed for their feedback.

Volunteer and not party worker
   As a party AAP is still a movement and its workers are said to be” volunteers” by AAP leadership. It freed the AAP leadership of their responsibilities towards workers. Volunteer is one who works with his Tan Man Dhan and does not want anything in return. 

Ends gave way to Means
   In hurry to dictate the parliament , ends started taking precedence over means. They started justifying, lowering their declared standards ,in the procedure of selecting their candidates. They started saying that candidates might not have the mindset of the movement, but should have no case against him or her. Earlier opposing the destiny rule now started saying “only one ticket in one family”

Using words to mask their intentions
   Like one of the big names selected as a candidate said that she has applied for the ticket, while application was sought after deciding the ticket. This was like a person who went to catch the fish , could not catch a fish, on the  way back home he buys the fish from a market, but tells the shopkeeper to throw the fish towards him , so that he could catch it and the tell his wife that he has caught the fish.

 Lal bahadur shastri similie
   Comparing His resignation with lal Bahadur shatri’s resignation as railway minister was improper and using too much of it convinced him that he has scarified the power. Further even refusing to listen the voice of slap by an auto driver, that aam adami felt cheated.

From Orchestra to an organization
  From an orchestra like structure, where Master Kejriwal conducts the orchestra and rest are all volunteer cheerleaders , It needs to be converted to an organization. Their current performance will help them to find dedicated workers which would have been difficult to find for a successful young party.

From Shock to hope-
  People who loved Kejriwal are still under shock, and fearing that even it may become difficult to get an opportunity to serve even Delhi state  in near future.

But AAP has a great future, only if for some time they dare to turn the direction of the mirror in front of them.

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Great Moment of Relief and Joy for Aam Adami

 Once I asked my teacher,” how to  choose   between good and bad”, He said it is not difficult to choose between good and bad, but is difficult only when good oposses the good. Perhaps this election brought the good opposite to good.  It was one group of Pandavs opposing the other group of pandavas. To seek relief from a corrupt regime and spineless PM, simple aam adami got divided into two camps, of Kejriwal and Modi. In the process abused each other and made fun of each other, forgetting that they are both fighting for the same mission.  They forgot that both Kejriwal and Modi are Patriots and sons of Mother India. Both have a vision of a great India, May be differing in their paths   to achieve greatness.

But human nature is such that they are not satisfied with the change only; they also want that change should come through them.   This is a great moment of relief from corrupt regime and spineless PM. But Aam supporter of AAP is not able to enjoy this moment of relief and a road of hope for a great future.
 It is wrong to think that only people who have voted for Aap are patriots, Modi voters are equal patriots, may be the difference is only that kejriwal supporters are slightly Romantic while Modi supporters are slightly realistic.

We should remember that Modi provided a third alternative to people apart from Congress and BJP, and thus captured the space which Aap had created. If the choice would have been between BJP and Congress, perhaps Aap would have performed better. Still the vision of modi reflects the awakening created by Kejriwal and Anna Hazare movement.

This is time for Aam Adami to rise above the jokes   like Feku and Bhagoda, and time to work for a great India ahead.

Next Post- Hope and Hurdles for Aap

Friday, May 9, 2014

Does exposure of the loot by politicians, by media, bring results

Few days back the newspaper Tribune Exposed the vast financial empire of Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Badal and his family. In response to this exposure certain readers wrote to the tribune that these exposures will have no impact. I wrote a letter to the editor exposing the fallacy in this attitude. I am sharing this letter with you.

Dear Editor
The Tribune Chandigarh

Sub- letter in response to an attitude (Will probe have effect... there won’t be any outcome and the matter will soon be brushed under the carpet) shown by a letter writer, in response to your daring expose of Punjab CM family.

This attitude shows a feeling that this expose will not have any effect. There is a fallacy in this thought as effect and cause are always separated by time and space. But we in our eagerness to see immediate affect loose the patience to see the impact when it occurs. 1947 happened 90 years after first freedom struggle in 1857. AAP is the culmination of Anna movement, which happened two years ago. Anna movement was the impact of so many investigations of various journalists in print and TV media, CAG reports published years ago, lives lost by various RTI activists and issues raised by various daring patriots throughout the country since many years. So this probe will also have impact.

Second fallacy of this attitude is that we expect the media to be playing more than its role. Media is like a thermostat in an AC which shows the difference between desired and actual temperature. Media shows us the gap between desired and actual, social, moral and constitutional requirements. That is where its role stops.
Further action, to be taken by the motor, to improve the temp is Judiciary and common Man.

  Media cannot do the job of Judiciary. Common man can punish at the time of voting. Common man should knock at the door of judiciary and remind my Lords of their responsibility. (Like I have written 100 letters to High court and supreme court Judges.)

Prof. K K Garg                           2-5-14
 PEC Campus

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Humble Response To Honorable Judge

Today I am Posting   the copy of My  Humble  Response to Honorable Judge.
 And also the copy of response  of Honroable Judge.  and my original Letter  ( for those who have not read  my earlier posts).    
   My letters to more than 100  Judges of    Supreme court and High court of Punjab   was  posted as  “Is Judiciary not   Answerable “  on  29th April 2014 .Response of the Honorable Judge was published on 6th May   2014

 Honorable Justice Kannan

        Thanks for your kind and fast response to my concern regarding Legal doctors shying away from their own medicine. Yours is the only response. When I asked my friends in high court to guess it ,they made no mistake.

When honest and efficient people in an institution can be counted on  the fingers, i think it is serious. If left undiscussed it will have serious repercussions for the honorable living of the honest in future generations.

Court of Justice Kannan had always been a temple of justice for me which I always like to visit for a moment whenever I am in high court. It is always reassuring.

I am aware of the efforts done by some judges in high court to raise the bar by holding courts on Saturdays. But it is very tough for these great men to grow in mediocrity.

My response was not to this particular strike but to raise more fundamental questions with Bar, but they have chosen to ignore it. But my effort to understand the justice system keeps on. I am studying ‘Trial’ and parable of the’ doorkeeper at the gate of law’ by Kafka.

I feel that there is a fight between Virus(guilty) and patient (innocent) as two clients of the lawyers, and it is the effort of the legal eagles hired by the Virus to let the Virus never come under the microscope of the Judge by getting dates.

I think we should raise questions on every institution as that is the only way to have feedback for improvement in the working of systems . Being a student of system dynamics I dared to respond to a question by Sh. Pawan Bansal on what is wrong with the system (copy attached)

If you get time please see two of my videos on you tube by just typing on Google “Tribute to jaspal Bhatti by K K Garg “and learning from Kalpana Chawla – Tribute by K K  garg” I have raised certain questions in these.  Both have been my students.

Men like you will always keep the light of hope in the hearts of AAm Admi.

Prof. K K garg

Response  of Honorable Judge

K.Kannan                           Dated :March 21,2013
Judge     ( Punjab and Haryana High Court   Chandigarh)

 Dear Professor Garg

.y ,
l I notice that you have written letters to several persons in judicial And administrative hierarchy. The incident has evidently hurt you that an institution of justice is applying different yardsticks to different persons this response is no attempt
To bring any justification for any actions but an observation on an aspect which may?

Have missed your notice.

When the lawyers were holding the Courts to ransom by boycott any attempt to quell its continuance and    abort any further inconvenience to the public was exigent. It is similar as in industrial environment where the management holds Parleys with striking workers. You do not break the workers' spines. You mend them. The order quashing FIR was, on a peaceful settlement between two persons that came in conflict. A compromise even in criminal cases is an acceptable legislative safety pill That recognizes plea bargaining. The Court did what was appropriate.
Mediocrity in performance abounds every public space in India, in

Universities amongst students and amongst the teaching community as well; amidst

Professionals that adopt unethical practices; amongst the brightest chartered
Accountants who manipulate and fudge accounts. It is difficult not to be cynical in the prevailing scenario

We will not change the world by expecting other people to change at a macro level.

 Change happens at an individual level by constantly raising one's own bar for improved performance

and better conduct.
Wishing you all the best,


CK .Kannan

My Original  Letter  to more than  100  Judges of  Supreme Court  and High Court of Punjab  and top activist lawyers and Bar association  High Court Punjab  Office bearers

Few months back some top lawyers of Punjab and Haryana High court had beaten up a policeman on security check duty at the high court entrance. FIR was filed against those lawyers. But instead of challenging that FIR in court of Law, all lawyers of the high court went on strike and protested on the streets of Chandigarh and in front of the governor house. And the FIR was cancelled .Their protest had Won. But did the keepers of justice, did Justice?
It raised certain questions in my mind. I raised those questions in my letter to more than 100 honourable judges of the Punjab and Haryana high Court, Judges of Supreme Court of India, Bar association, and top activist lawyers of High court.
But I received reply from only one honourable judge of Punjab and Haryana high court.
I am sharing with you the questions I raised in my Letter.
Copy of the Letter to Honourable judges-:
The recent strike by the advocates gave me a feeling of being cheated (in the form of yet another ‘date’) as a child waiting for his turn to get the medicine when the ‘Doctor’ suddenly closed his shop (Clinic of Justice) when he saw that ‘his own child’ is also in the same queue and the doctor, knowing well the truth of his medicine, dared not to give ‘his own child’ the same medicine which he has been prescribing since freedom of the nation.
This strike has raised many bitter questions:
1.            Have the members of the Bar ever advised any victim of a FIR that he should get it quashed by using muscle power of his own tribe or have they ever advised him to have faith in the law and engage him as a lawyer?
2.            That the lawyers have no faith in the system.
3.            Long back I asked two legal luminaries “why lawyers help each other on getting adjournments” One of the luminaries stated that it is a matter of ‘Legal Ethics’ and other said it is ‘Mutual Conspiracy’.
4.            Are you aware that there are lawyers who get the stay by misinforming the court and then keep on getting adjournments till the subject matter becomes infructuous and then both the lawyers suddenly appear in the court as if they were waiting for that day. What should we call it?
5.            Does the court judgment depend on-?
 a) Merit
b) Face and Fee of the Lawyer
c) Mood of the Judge
6.            Do you know that there are lawyers who encourage people to file false criminal cases (lodge false FIRs) and when police refuses to oblige them they file a case in court where they being in the control of things can manage and get everything decided in their favour?
7.            Does it mean that in order to get an FIR (false or otherwise) stayed or quashed, in future, one has to use muscle power of his tribe, the way it has been amply demonstrated by the hon’ble Bar and equally encouraged by the Hon’ble Bench, which was headed by none other than the Hon’ble Chief Justice of this Hon’ble Court.
8.            How can the court be discriminatory and selective that for the cases of other clients (who have paid lawyers heavy fee) do not get any stay but for their own fraternity case the DB of the Hon’ble Chief Justice and stayed the FIR?
9.            In fact, I was just thinking of bringing this unfortunate incident to the notice of the All India Bar council so that they may advise the members of the Punjab and Haryana Bar Association ‘to have faith in the justice system of India’ but to my utter shock I read in the newspapers that they had not only supported the lawlessness of the Punjab and Haryana Bar but also advised the advocates across whole of India to follow in the footsteps of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association.
10.          As a door which opens only once in a year should it be called a ‘wall’ similarly a ‘Nayalya’ which keeps on giving ‘Tareekhs’ should be called a ‘Tareekhalya’.
11.          Above revelations give me an impression that the injustice that ‘Aam Admi’ is getting in India is not only because of the Hon’ble Judges but also hugely because of the role played by the hon’ble members of the Bar who are our own brothers, uncles, nephews, etc.
12.          Will the hon’ble BAR discuss debate, argue and enlighten the ‘Aam Admi’ as to how the system can be made just and fair for him?
13.          As a patient approaches the doctor for his physical injuries he approaches the ‘Clinic of Justice’ for not only physical injuries but also for emotional injuries. Can a doctor take full fee in advance for the surgery which he may never do on his patient and keep on giving dates in future till the patient dies without the doctor having to return the fee?
Important- This is not a Satire or in Lighter vein 
Most humbly daring ‘Aam Admi’,
Meekly yours,
Prof. K K Garg
PEC Campus

Sector 12, Chandigarh