Friday, August 22, 2014

Team AAP- Are you volunteers or Paid......

Dear Sh. Shashi Kant Ji   (Team AAP)

You say you are Volunteers.

Are you really volunteers or paid Power brokers.

You have forgotten that you have been paid more than 50 crores by aam adami  in the name of donations. You can use it /misuse it/siphon it off. But you are the master of it , still you keep on saying that you are volunteers, like a rich man names himself as Mr. Poor .

You always say that you honestly display the list of your donors. That only tells the honesty of the donors and not yours. Because your honesty will be known only when you give the expenditure details. (All your candidates have spent money from local donations)

When Donors felt cheated

When some donors felt cheated and asked for their money back, you replied, that there is no provision to return the money. Even small shopkeepers amend his mistake, if his defect is pointed out. You are nation saviors;  you say you have no provision to improve upon

Grass root Volunteers

 Your grass root  volunteers are actually unpaid Team AAP’s workers, who give their head, heart, time and money daily. They are afraid to speak a word, as you have created a terror in their minds that anyone who asks a question is selfish and power seeker.
 Volunteers (unpaid workers) keep on whispering their doubts , in each other’s ears but publicly they keep on raising slogans. Instead of uniting them, you have made them, fear from each other, you have  made  them believe , that good people are   simple volunteers; they should only do as they are told.

They  should stop thinking, because you are thinking for them.  Aam adami is so simple that , he does not understand  that his faculty of thinking is being destroyed . Only thinking can make you a human being, as this is the first step from animal kingdom to become a man. This has been happening with all political parties. That they take away the thinking mind of their people and make them mindless robots.
Go on with your double speak.


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