Are all black money is of same quality?
Black money can be of different quality. And to treat all
types in same way is not just.
What is Black Money from Govt’s View point- It is the money
one has earned / generated and has not shared a part of it with the Govt. in
the form of tax.
How earned?
But, how one has earned or generated that Money, will decide
the quality of Money.
When a man has earned money by doing hard work and has not
shared the part of money with govt as Tax ,is hard earned Black Money.
When a govt/ pvt employee earns his salary and not working
to his full capacity has legal immoral white
black money.
When a Govt/ govt Employee in power has Extracted money as a
Bribe by using / misusing his position is both Immoral, Illegal and
extracted Black Money.
When a person keeps his money, earned in any of the above ways,
in foreign banks is
anti national Black Money .
Can all be penalized in the same way?
Please do share your valuable views on the types of Money
and how it should be treated